Monday, June 3, 2013

Sidewalk Painting

Another successful Pinspired Project, or so it seems so far. Last year I saw something for Sidewalk Paint. Since we love being outside and it's been beautiful and the pool is out and ready to go on a moments notice, today I decided to give it shot. I stripped down the Littles and ha some fun. 

I mixed 2 cups water with 2ish cups of cornstarch and used Wilton good coloring gel. I wish I had kept a couple slots plain because Collin loved mixing the colors together. 

If it cleans off the patio fairly easy we'll do it again. If not, if was fun for today :) 

They played and painted for what I considered to be a sufficient amount of time before becoming bored and moving on. Now, it's time to jump in the pool and have some lunch :)

The original Pinterest link I found:

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